Covid-19 Update from Miss Galligan
Given the current ongoing situation, below you will find a list of resources that you may find useful at this time. Keep safe everyone and we hope to see you all soon.
BorrowBox: The BorrowBox app is a great way to get children reading at home. To join, go to, complete the registration, set a PIN and you’ll be able to log in to BorrowBox with those details to download e-books and audiobooks.
Scholastic Learn at Home: Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing. Here is the website homepage-
GoNoodle-Good Energy at Home: GoNoodle offers a wide range of movement and mindfulness videos. There are also curricular activities that can be downloaded. The link to the website is- There is also a GoNoodle app that you can download.
Seomra Ranga: Seomra Ranga are running a daily quiz at the moment. There is also a daily prize of a €20 book voucher to be won. You will find the quizzes on their website-
World Book Online: World Book Online have made their collection of over 3,000 e-books and audiobooks available for children. They have books suitable for all ages. Click on the following link to avail of these books
Short Story Competition: John Boyne is running a short story competition, aimed at 6-18 year olds, with lots of book tokens to be won. There are 3 categories: 6-10 year olds, 11-14 year olds and 15-18 year olds. Each category will have an overall winner who receives € 200 national book token. Each category will also have 5 winners of a € 100 national book token and 10 winners of a € 50 national book token. All stories to be submitted in word document or pdf to: by Wednesday 25th March, 5 pm. Stories must be no longer than 300 words. Entrants need to include their name, email address, phone number, postal address and age. All stories can potentially be shared over the radio on RTE’s Liveline by Joe Duffy.
CJ Fallon: CJ Fallon is now providing access to its online books. To access these, visit, click ‘Student Resources’, then filter to the title you require, making sure ‘Online Book’ is selected under resources.
Edco Learning: Edco have created a free account to allow pupils to view their e-books and digital resources. Log in to using the username ‘primaryedcobooks’ and the password ‘edco2020’ to view any of these e-books or resources.
P.E. with Joe: Starting Monday, 23rd March, Joe Wicks is hosting a live daily workout aimed at kids on his YouTube channel. No equipment is required, just tune in to his YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute workout.
Folens: Folens are giving access to all their digital resources. In order to get access, follow the steps below.
1. Go to and click register
2. Select Teacher
3. Fill in a username, email and password
4. For Roll Number use the code: Prim20
PDST: PDST have compiled a list of useful websites. See image below.